English translation for "local boat"
- 沿海船
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | They erected a shelter for the statue and , as it became more popular , a proper temple building was built with donations from local boat people 之后,到来上香的渔民日众,遂筹款兴建一座正式的天后庙。 | | 2. | The origin of the tin hau temple in causeway bay probably dates back even further - it began life as a shelter for a statue of the goddess of the sea , tin hau , and became popular with local boat people 铜锣湾的天后庙建庙日期或更早,初时是为安放海神天后的神像,后来却成为广受水上人家供奉的庙宇。 |
- Similar Words:
- "local bill" English translation, "local bill of lading" English translation, "local bit address" English translation, "local bl" English translation, "local bloodletting" English translation, "local boiling" English translation, "local bond" English translation, "local bond stress" English translation, "local bonds" English translation, "local border crossing card" English translation