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English translation for "local boat"


Related Translations:
boat knot:  绳针结
boat spar:  撑艇杆撑艇杆艇撑架小艇系杆
boat stand:  小艇龙骨墩座小艇支柱
boat thwart:  桨手座座板艇坐板
aerofoil boat:  冲翼艇气翼艇;飞翼船翼船
foot boat:  载人渡船
boat building:  造艇业
boat chocks:  短艇架。
boat plug:  船底排水旋塞艇底塞
growth boat:  晶体生长小舟
Example Sentences:
1.They erected a shelter for the statue and , as it became more popular , a proper temple building was built with donations from local boat people
2.The origin of the tin hau temple in causeway bay probably dates back even further - it began life as a shelter for a statue of the goddess of the sea , tin hau , and became popular with local boat people
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